Do to others as you would have them do to you'. Luke 6:31

Trinity Church of England Primary School whole school aim is to create a happy, welcoming place where children and adults have respect for each other. There should be a thirst and enthusiasm for learning within a calm, purposeful atmosphere where everyone shows consideration, co-operation, commitment, courtesy and self – control.

Mission Statement

We are a School that seeks to serve the whole of the surrounding neighbourhood and beyond. Children from all backgrounds are welcomed into this School, which has a Christian foundation and tradition. We consider that each child is of unique worth. All members of the School are encouraged to recognise this worth in themselves and others.

The School aims to develop each child’s potential to the full, recognising the diversity of gifts each child brings to the School. We seek to create an atmosphere of openness and honesty, tolerance, courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of others.

Fundamental to this are our aims:

  • Learning to Love, loving to learn 

  • Learning to love God…by promoting fellowship through the development of reverence, thankfulness, praise, trust, hope and creation 

  • Learning to love each other…so that all learners are inclusive in showing friendship, forgiveness, compassion and peace to each other to reflect our distinctive Christian character 

  • Learning to love ourselves…by developing each learners spiritual, moral, cultural, personal, social, mental health and physical development 

  • Loving to learn about being the best that we can be…through setting the highest expectation for every pupil, ensuring all learners are stretched significantly in all aspects of their learning 

  • Loving to learn in new ways…by developing creative, imaginative, inventive pupils through celebrating their unique and individual strengths 

  • Loving to learn about our learning power muscles…by engendering a thirst for life-long learning by developing reflectiveness, resourcefulness, resilience and reciprocity 

  • Loving to learn about the world we live…through exciting and developmental learning experiences of the arts, culture and technological developments 

  • Loving to learn for life…by educating all pupils to develop the essential knowledge and skills, attitudes and attributes that they need to become educated citizens in today’s society and for their economic challenges and responsibilities of later life