Nursery Children
Children should wear casual, comfortable clothing/ footwear suitable for a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and the time of year. Children may wear school sweatshirts if desired.
Religious headwear should be burgundy, black or grey.
Please label all items of uniform including coats, so any lost items can be returned quickly to the rightful owner.
Thank you
Uniform with the school logo is available to purchase from Lads and Lasses.
Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2
- Burgundy only – sweatshirt/cardigan /jumper.
- White blouse or polo shirt.
- Grey pinafore dress/skirt/ trousers
- School tie (optional)
- Black, grey, or white tights.
- White socks.
- Black flat heeled shoes.
- Summer Dress – burgundy/white checked.
- Religious head wear to be burgundy, black or grey
- Burgundy school sweatshirt or burgundy jumper
- White shirt/polo shirt
- School tie (optional)
- Grey trousers
- Black shoes
- Religious head wear to be burgundy, black or grey
Black or navy shorts
- (Tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE)
- Red Trinity PE t-shirt
- Pumps or Trainers
If your child has pierced ears, please send them to school with stud ear-rings only. Parents are requested to inform the school of any particular items of religious significance which cannot be removed, so that arrangements can be made to cover them safely in physical activities.
All pupils should have appropriate hair styles, severely shaved heads, extreme patterns or dying of hair is not permitted.